Financial advisors

Clearly, a focus on estate and tax planning is of great interest to your HNW clients. The financial institutions you work with provide access to some services and solutions, but they may not provide a customized fit for every client. A more targeted, highly customized approach might help. Create a superior experience for clients who expect it, using a process that is yours.

Sean Rheubottom has worked for 20+ years as a tax and estate planning lawyer working on behalf of affluent client families across Canada, largely in a HNW Private Client setting (estate and tax planning with emphasis on tax planning for private corporations and farms) and a Trust corporate setting (overseeing the drafting of Will and Trust documents for complex cases requiring a professional Executor or Trustee). Sean has filled corporate roles such as

  • Advisor - Tax & Legal;

  • Director - Trust & Tax;

  • Regional Vice President - Wealth Planning;

  • Tax and legal lead for the Assante Ag Group, providing advice for farm families across Canada, mainly in the Prairie region.

Sean’s work has always involved collaborating with and serving as a resource to financial, legal, and tax advisors on behalf of mutual clients, finding tax and estate planning issues and opportunities and then meeting with advisors and clients to present the findings. Sean has extensive experience in joint marketing efforts and teaching including large and small speaking engagements.

Working in such settings has allowed Sean to spend an extraordinary amount of time studying the technical legal and tax aspects of Estate & Tax Planning for complex situations, with an ability to recommend planning concepts and solutions in almost any business, farm or individual situation.


Get in touch

Find out how Heritage Private Wealth Law can assist.


Services and solutions for you and your clients

Turnkey Wealth Planning service - for you and your clients

  • Customized service made available by you, to your clients

  • Analysis, review and recommendations regarding tax and estate planning issues and opportunities - focused on real solutions and adding value for your practice

    • Information gathering guides and tools for efficient workflow

    • Wealth Planning deliverables are prepared and sent for review

    • Assistance with presenting the deliverables to your client

    • Planning consistent with your financial analysis or projections

    • Legal implementation of plan (below)

Legal services - for your clients

  • Planning and drafting of estate planning documents - Wills, trusts, Powers of Attorney, Health Care directives

  • Communicating and collaborating with clients’ accountant in tax planning matters

  • Implementing corporate reorganizations to facilitate estate and tax planning: Incorporations, amending articles, customizing tax-planned share capital, preparing corporate resolutions and sale/purchase agreements such as rollover agreements

  • Shareholder agreements

  • Minute book refresh and update, minute book management, annual resolutions and returns

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