
Your client relationships are important. Merging your advice with estate and trust planning aspects can be challenging for all sorts of reasons. Tackling the interaction of Wills and trust law with the tax rules can be daunting. A few words in a Will or trust can make a massive difference on death, transfers, rollouts or buy-outs, when large dispositions may occur. Meanwhile CRA continually updates their views on estate and tax issues like trusts, dividend income splitting, corporate reorganizations and anti stripping rules, charitable giving, and post mortem planning. It’s important to get it right, especially for business owners, farm families, second-marriage “blended” families, and other complex situations. It’s not just a Will, it’s the final piece of the tax and financial plan and it has to work. It’s not just a quick incorporation, it’s a tax and succession planning structure that has to be able to evolve through your client’s retirement and into the next generation.

Sean Rheubottom has 20+ years experience exclusively in estate and tax planning for affluent client families across Canada. Precision in planning and drafting for estate and succession structures has always been a focus and a responsibility. Clients are primarily business owners and farmers, mainly in Saskatchewan. It’s always been about collaborating with and being a resource to legal, accounting, financial and tax advisors on behalf of mutual clients, helping to uncover estate and tax issues or opportunities in a way that respects the advice other professionals have provided.

Focused on exclusive areas of practice.

Knowledge and precision to assist in planning estates, trusts and corporate structures.

Collaboration and teamwork with professional advisors.


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